Let’s Build Your City

Digital Meets Heritage

June 29, 2019

The walk on Saturday, June 29 was lead by Sushil Dhakal on the theme- “Mapping”. He has guided on how the Mapping and digitization of the archaeological sites is an important task to preserve cultural heritage.

Historical resources when presented properly will not only educate tourists but also the local community and helps in conserving it for future generations. Heritage Mapping is concentrated on discovering and experiencing the past in the present. And, this more practical when we get to engage in mapping and digitization of cultural heritage sites to preserve them.

High time the world being inclined towards the attraction of digitalisation, the force trying to bridge the gap with the digital and native world. Drone enthusiasts have come up with the inception of drone technology towards the 3D mapping for the primary data extraction to greater authenticity. Darpan Pudasaini, founder of Drone Nepal exclaims the need of accurate data for the further surveys and ensures with the technology assisting to extract the preliminary to monitoring data with 3D modelling from the aerial view. He ascertains the need for accurate data extraction for the heritage preservation to the policymakers, local community throughout the reconstruction to periodical tracking. Their promising attempt to help for the reconstruction with the technology sets a benchmark of youths’ assistance towards heritage preservation.

The next youth group with an idea to encourage people to walk collecting coins and a step forward to reduce carbon emissions. They have this app named “Walkman Green Coins” after the concept of rewarding walking commuters with the coins which can be redeemed into gifts and coupons. The team coming up with such an idea is set to merge the feature “Walkman Treasure” that scans the QR code and the information of the heritage pops out at which the user is scanning the code located. They have come up with this interactive idea to integrate the technology with scanning qr code to the information resource portal to which user finds relevant information regarding the heritage. These technological movements towards the preservation of heritage encourages more people to a common ground of vision to save the heritage for the future generation.